
Xia Lin & Sheryl Cheung
Lives and works in Taipei

lololol is a boundless laughter, an endless extension of lol (laugh out loud), an acronym that appears to be constructed by the building blocks of I-Ching and/or computer code. Founded by Xia Lin and Sheryl Cheung in 2013, the artist collective focuses on how emotions and body politics are informed by diverse technology cultures, with special interest in martial arts, materialist ontologies and Taoist-informed philosophies. “Future Tao” is the group’s ongoing initiative to engage with Taoist mind and body practices as an alternative approach to technological exploration.

lololol's work, performances and collaborative projects have been shown at Berwick Film and Media Arts Festival (UK), Taipei Arts Festival (TW), Times Museum (CN), Vernacular Institute (MX), Flaneur Festival (DE), Liquid Architecture (ASTL) and Contemporary at Blue Star (USA) amongst others.

lololol 是循環的笑聲,0與1構成無盡陰陽變化,同時演示電腦語言的基礎脈動。lololol 時而喜出望外、暗自竊喜、或喜怒不形於色。lololol 悠遊於虛實之間的地平線上,不受限於制定的文化邏輯或角色扮演,時而發出的滄海一聲笑。

藝術組織 lololol 由藝術家張欣、林亭君於2013年共同發起,作品主要關注科技生活中的身體政治,借鏡道家思想與相關科技論重新思考我們所身處的世界秩序。作品計畫曾於英國貝里克電影與媒體藝術節、臺北藝術節、廣東時代美術館、墨西哥黑話機構、柏林Flaneur漫遊者藝術節、澳洲液態聲音藝術節及美國藍星當代藝術中心等地展演發表。


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