
Xia Lin & Sheryl Cheung
Lives and works in Taipei


lololol is a boundless laughter, an endless extension of lol (laugh out loud), an acronym that appears to be constructed by the building blocks of I-Ching and/or computer code. Founded by Xia Lin and Sheryl Cheung in 2013, the artist collective focuses on how emotions and body politics are informed by diverse technology cultures, with special interest in martial arts, materialist ontologies and perceptual impacts of technology on contemporary life, examining body philosophy, and the cognitive processes and progressions between humans and machines. This has led to a unique interpretation of Asian philosophy, mind-body practices as an alternative approach to technological exploration. Their long-term project "Future Tao" was initiated in 2017, aiming to facilitate more collective collaborations and expanded cinema performances.

lololol 是循環的笑聲,0與1構成無盡陰陽變化,同時演示電腦語言的基礎脈動。lololol 時而喜出望外、暗自竊喜、或喜怒不形於色。lololol 悠遊於虛實之間的地平線上,不受限於制定的文化邏輯或角色扮演,時而發出的滄海一聲笑。

lololol 藝術組織由張欣與林亭君於2013年共同發起,創作包含影像、聲音、行為表演、工作坊與文字。作品關注科技對於當代生活的感知影響,探問身體哲學和人類與機器的認知程序和進程,發展出另一種對於亞洲哲學、身心技術觀念與身體系統的詮釋。長期計畫「Future Tao」於2017年啟動,旨在進行更多的集體合作與擴延電影跨域表演的創作。


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